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Emotional Health

Emotional Health

Emotional health can lead to success in work, relationships and health. Happy people are more likely to work towards goals, find the resources they need and attract others with their energy and optimism.

Emotional health can lead to success in work, relationships and health. Happy people are more likely to work towards goals, find the resources they need and attract others with their energy and optimism.

“Emotional health can lead to success in work, relationships and health.”

Gianni Vigna Homeopath


Emotional Health

Jane said she felt like her “blood boiled” every time her spouse Brian even spoke to a certain woman.
Now it wasn’t as if he was making passes or had ever initiated an affair. In fact, Jane knew Brian was faithful.
Then one Monday, Jane was in a bookstore, and she read a book with a cover which cried “Freedom From Your Fears”.

Jane couldn’t put her finger on it—but she felt deep in her stomach that this book had something to say to her!!
The feeling of fear which Jane was experiencing is an emotion we have all felt. In fact, notes Gianni Vigna, a Social Worker and homeopathic specialist, “fear” is one of four main emotions that can manifest in anger. Shame, guilt and loss are the other three emotional cousins who can come riding in from the ranch—when Jane or any of us least want them to.

Emotional Health

Jane said she felt like her “blood boiled” every time her spouse Brian even spoke to a certain woman.
Now it wasn’t as if he was making passes or had ever initiated an affair. In fact, Jane knew Brian was faithful.
Then one Monday, Jane was in a bookstore, and she read a book with a cover which cried “Freedom From Your Fears”.

Jane couldn’t put her finger on it—but she felt deep in her stomach that this book had something to say to her!!
The feeling of fear which Jane was experiencing is an emotion we have all felt. In fact, notes Gianni Vigna, a Social Worker and homeopathic specialist, “fear” is one of four main emotions that can manifest in anger. Shame, guilt and loss are the other three emotional cousins who can come riding in from the ranch—when Jane or any of us least want them to.


Vigna points out that fear is the “outward manifestation” of those other three emotions and that “fear” of “more loss, shame or guilt” can paralyze any of us into a depressed state of being.
“Believe it or not” adds Vigna “people like Jane may not know it . One can be quite well off and yet be both depressed and feeling unfulfilled.

Vigna says he advises those he works with to journal and “monitor” themselves minute by minute on a scale from one to 10 as to how they are feeling. In doing so people will get a sense of what happens to them emotionally and what “triggers” those feelings.

In Jane’s case, it wasn’t Brian who was triggering the fear but rather memories of Jane’s past and what she had come to associate with relational closeness.

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Vigna points out that fear is the “outward manifestation” of those other three emotions and that “fear” of “more loss, shame or guilt” can paralyze any of us into a depressed state of being.
“Believe it or not” adds Vigna “people like Jane may not know it . One can be quite well off and yet be both depressed and feeling unfulfilled.

Vigna says he advises those he works with to journal and “monitor” themselves minute by minute on a scale from one to 10 as to how they are feeling. In doing so people will get a sense of what happens to them emotionally and what “triggers” those feelings.

In Jane’s case, it wasn’t Brian who was triggering the fear but rather memories of Jane’s past and what she had come to associate with relational closeness.

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